příspěvková organizace Ministerstva kultury

Migration, Emigration, Exile and Cultural Transfers – People, Confessions and Ideas on the Move

Migration, Emigration, Exile and Cultural Transfers – People, Confessions and Ideas on the Move

The J. A. Comenius Museum, Uherský Brod

and the Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Sciences,

in cooperation with the Comenius Union


will host



Migration, emigration, exile and cultural transfers

on 10–11 October 2018



Migration, Emigration, Exile and Cultural Transfers – People, Confessions and Ideas on the Move Migration, Emigration, Exile and Cultural Transfers – People, Confessions and Ideas on the Move Migration, Emigration, Exile and Cultural Transfers – People, Confessions and Ideas on the Move






Length of individual papers: 25 minutes + 5 minutes of discussion

Colloquium languages: Czech, Slovak, English, German


WEDNESDAY 10. 10. 2018

Museum, Column Hall

8.00–8.30 Registration of the participants

8.30–8.50 Opening


Youth Centre

9.00–9.25 Thomas Richter: The Selectiveness of Cultural Transfer and the Problematic Natures of the Term                                      “Migration” in Early Modern Europe

9.25–9.40 Martin Steiner: On the Terminology of Migration in the Latin Works by Comenius

9.40–10.05 Sándor Enghy: A Biblical Perspective on Migration: One History, One Solution – With Regard                                           to Comenius’ Understanding of the Bible

10.05–10.20 discussion


10.20–10.45 Petr Melmuk: The Influence of Exile and (E)migration on the Comenius’ Land in the 16th–18th                                         Centuries

10.45–11.10 Karel Rýdl: Comenius – Exile or Emigrant?

11.10–11.20 discussion

11.20–12.50 lunch


12.50–13.15 Kateřina Šolcová: Political Theory at the Reformed Herborn Academy and Its Reflection in the Work                               of J. A. Comenius

13.15–13.40 Andreas Lischewski: Der Regenmacher und das perpetuum mobile. Die Aneignung der Elias-Gestalt                                im niederländischen Exil

13.40–13.50 discussion


13.50–14.15 Martin Holý: Between Wittenberg and Prague. Leucorea Graduates as Professors at the Prague                                     Utraquist University in the 16th and Early 17th Century

14.15–14.40 Vladimír Urbánek: The Transfer of Knowledge and the Rhetoric of Exile: post-White Mouintain Exiles                            and Their Self-presentation in the Documents of the Hartlib Circle

14.40–14.50 discussion

14.50–15.00 coffee break


15.00–15.25 Andrzej Borkowski: Polish Translations of “The Labyrinth of the World and Paradise of the Heart” in                                the 17th and the Early of the 20th Centuries: Jan Petrozelin (1695) and Jan Pindór (1914)

15.25–15.50 Ludmila Mnich: Comenius as an Emigrant: Russian and Ukrainian Perception

15.50–16.00 discussion

16.00–16.25 Rostislav RajchlCoordinated Cooperation of Astronomers in the 16th and 17th Centuries Based on                               the Measurment and Observation of the Cosmic Bodies While Forming Ideas about Space

16.25–16.50 Olga Chadaeva: Reception of Western Cosmological Models in the Seventeenth-Century Russia

16.50–17.00 discussion

17.00–17.20 Manfred Richter, Jiří Beneš: In Commemoration of Werner Korthaase


18.45–19.30 Exhibition Invisible Bridge. Milada Blekastad 1917–2003 with a guided tour by Vladimír Urbánek

19.30–20.00 Olšava Folk Ensemble

20.00             Wine Tasting



ČTVRTEK 11. 10. 2018

Youth Centre

8.45–9.10 Jan Kilián: Migration and Emigration in the Cities of the Ore Mountains Region in the First Half of the                           17th Century

9.10–9.35 Jana Hubková: Flier Journalism Concerning the Beginnings of Reformation at the Salhausen Dominion                         in the Northern Bohemia

9.35–9.45 discussion

9.45–10.10 Kamila Szymańska: Leszno / Lissa im 17. Jahrhundert als gelungenes religiöses, kulturelles und                                        gesellschaftliches “Experiment”

10.10–10.35 Martin Hoferka: Chalice of the Unity of the Brethren from 1639. Physical Proof of the post-White                                    Mountain Emigration in Skalica

10.35–11.00 Jan Saheb: Migration and Confession as Determining Factors in the Personal Career of the Early                                      Modern Period Nobleman. From Moravia through Europe to Upper Silesia – Story of Jan                                                  Němčický from Němčice

11.00–11.15 discussion

11.15–12.45 lunch

12.45–13.10 Roman Mnich: Comenius versus Jews and Judaizers

13.10–13.35 Jan Herůfek: Jewish-christian Dialogue in the 15th Century: Giovanni Pico and Yohanan Alemanno

13.35–13.45 discussion

13.45–13.55 coffee break

13.55–14.20 Bernhard Stalla: Die Bildungsinitiativen von Jan Amos Komenský im Exil

14.20–14.45 Hiroshi MatsuokaFinding Myself in Comenius

14.45–15.10 Seok-Joo KimComenius’s Educational and Theological Thought Realized in the Development                                          Process of the Republic of Korea and Application in Modern Society

15.10–15.25 discussion

15.25–15.35 Final Word



Every participant shall arrange his own accomodation.

Below, you can find hotels and guest houses which are in close proximity of the museum (5 minutes walk).


the closest accomodation:

Hotel Monde

Hotel Kaunic

Guest House Lapač

Guest House Javořina


In Uherský Brod or near the city, there are several other accomodation facilities. Their list can be found here:


guest houses





The presented papers will be published in the journal Studia Comeniana et historica (issue No. 101–102/2019).

The final text must be submitted by February 28, 2019 and it must follow the editing principles for publication in SCetH.

Recommended extent of the papers is 20 standard pages, please consult greater extent or later deadline with the editorial staff of the journal.




Call for papers ENG


Application form







Should you have any questions, please consult:


Lenka Pospíšilová


phone: 572 63 22 88

mobile phone: +420 605 320 540